The Government must do more to make sure the National Redress Scheme is working for survivors.
A third of the 2,728 survivors who have applied for redress are in limbo because the Government has not secured the participation of all relevant institutions.
In total, only 51 survivors have actually received redress, out of an estimated 60,000 survivors who are expected to ultimately apply.
More than seven months after the scheme started, this is unacceptable.
Institutions have a clear moral obligation to join the scheme – and the Government must take a more active role in making sure organisations are able to quickly and simply join the Scheme.
The public deserves to know who hasn’t signed up and what the Government is doing to expedite the process.
Survivors have waited long enough.
Should Labor be afforded the privilege of forming government, we will seek to work with the states and territories to address outstanding concerns with the National Redress Scheme, including:

  • the maximum payment – the Royal Commission recommended $200,000 but the current maximum is $150,000;

  • the indexation of past payments;

  • fair access for people in prison or with criminal records;

  • the adequacy of counselling support services; and

  • the time people have to consider an offer of redress.

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