Hearing Scott Morrison feign concern for pensioners is more than a bit rich.

After all, he has spent the last five years – including three as Treasurer – trying to cut the pension and increase the pension age to 70.

Pensioners and the Australian community will see through the Prime Minister’s cynical politics – attempting to pit one group against another.

The Abbott-Turnbull-Morrison government has tried to cut the pension in every budget.

This includes cutting pensioner concessions and a plan to cut pension indexation, leaving pensioners $80 per week worse off.

The Government also did a deal with the Greens political party to change the assets test and cut the pension for 370,000 Australians.

And they spent years trying to axe the energy supplement for new pensioners.

To top it all off, the Government still has legislation before the Parliament to cut the pension.

The Government don’t care about pensioners and their record proves it.

Make no mistake – if he gets the chance, Scott Morrison will cut the pension and increase the pension age – it’s in the Liberal DNA.

Labor has fought cuts to pensions at every turn.

The only way to protect pensioners is to vote Labor at the next election.

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